What is Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy?
Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is a non-surgical procedure that tightens the skin and improves overall appearance. This treatment involves pricking the skin multiple time using very fine short needles, to create hundreds of microscopic punctures. These “injuries” are enough to initiate wound healing, resulting in rapid regeneration of collagen and elastin, as well as an increase in keratin cell production. These micro-channels allow skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin for better rejuvenation effects.
How do you know if Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy is good for you?
If you are someone with acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and large pore sizes then CIT may be a good procedure for you.
Does the procedure hurt?
Prior to starting the procedure, numbing cream will be applied to your face. Because of this, the pain should be very minimal or nonexistent. Post-procedure, serums will be applied to the face to help soothe heat and inflammation in the face.
What do I have to do prior to my Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy appointment?
24 hours prior to your appointment, no topical Retin-A products are to be used as well as no sun exposure.
What is the recovery time or side effects?
Your skin may have some swelling, redness, minor pain or discomfort, elevated warmth and tightness, itching sensation, or dryness for the first 3-5 days post-treatment. No sun exposure is allowed during this healing process as well as no swimming, saunas, and no facial exfoliation.
What are the contraindications of Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy?
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, open lesions, sunburn, facial waxing, diabetes, active rosacea, active acne, raised moles or warts, active bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, or active inflammation. If you have been on Accutane within the last 6 months, have new scars or wounds, cardiovascular issues, or any allergies to the numbing cream.
Do I have to have an in-person consultation prior to booking this treatment?
Yes. Due to the advanced level of this treatment and post-treatment effects, we require an in-person consult to ensure your skin is a good candidate for Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy.
Consent of the client is required:
I understand that results will vary among individuals. I understand that although I may see a change after my first treatment, I will likely require a series of sessions to obtain my desired outcome.